
We offer insights and tempt you to take a closer look. The viewer can take in the picture and its wider history in different contexts. Immersing themselves and taking a closer look enables them to visualise the beauty and diversity of the world.

The Killing Fields

The Killing Fields - Cambodia

The Killing Fields

The Khmer Rouge military leader Pol Pot was responsible for the murder of 21% of the Cambodian population. The genocide in Cambodia was the result of a Khmer Rouge socio-political project based on Mao's communism to create a classless agrarian society. The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 17 April 1975 to 7 January 1979, murdering between 1.6 and 3 million people (21% of the approximately 7.8 million population) during this period. Cambodian civilians died from starvation, torture, executions, medical experiments, untreated diseases, forced marches, forced labour and other forms of violence. The Khmer Rouge ruled a totalitarian state in which citizens had virtually no rights. They abolished civil and political rights, private property, money, religious practices, minority languages and foreign clothing. The government built huge prisons where people were imprisoned, tortured and executed. The most notorious of these prisons was S-21 in the capital Phnom Penh, where traitors and their families were kidnapped, photographed, tortured and killed. Of the approximately 17,000 men, women and children taken to S-21, only about a dozen survived. There were mass graves all over the country, which became known as Killing Fields. In November 1978, when Vietnam invaded and put an end to Khmer Rouge excesses, millions of Cambodians died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge.

Koenigspalast Bangkok

Monks on their way to Wat Phra Kaeo - Thailand

Monks on their way to Wat Phra Kaeo

Bangkok's temples play an important role in the everyday lives of the locals, 95% of whom are Buddhists. They are pilgrimage sites and places of peace and meditation. By far the most famous temples in Bangkok are located on the banks of the Chao Phraya and are called Wat Phra Kaeo, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. The temple Wat Phra Kaeo is located on the grounds of the Royal Palace in Bangkok. The colourful temple is one of Bangkok's greatest sights, a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists and a must-see for every visitor to Bangkok.
Phra Phutthayotfa Chulalok (Rama I) had the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaeo built in 1782, immediately after his coronation as king. The palace was the official residence of the kings of Thailand, the former Kingdom of Siam, for 150 years. Today, it enchants visitors from all over the world with its pomp and splendour: golden chedis, glittering and mystical-looking statues, richly decorated buildings and beautiful murals depicting scenes from the life of Buddha. The Chakri Maha Prasat, completed in 1882, is located in the centre of the palace grounds surrounded by high walls. 


Cassava - Laos


Little known in Europe, cassava (other names include manioc, yuca, etc.) is a useful plant from the spurge family. Cassava has its origins in Brazil. It was spread by Portuguese slave traders in the 16th century and is now primarily found in tropical regions. The perennial shrub grows up to three metres high. It has long-stemmed, palmate leaves that resemble the foliage of hemp. The most interesting thing about cassava is its large taproots. The roots are on average 30 to 50 centimetres long. Their diameter is five to ten centimetres. The cassava tuber is brown on the outside and white to slightly reddish in colour on the inside. Cassava is an important staple food for people around the world. Its starchy tuber is a healthy and nutritious food whose importance is increasing in times of climate change, as the edible plant can withstand both heat and drought. Cassava is the world's eighth largest food crop (2022).

Lothar memorial on the Siedigkopf

Lothar Memorial - Germany

Lothar Memorial

On Boxing Day 1999, storm Lothar swept across the Black Forest, leaving a wide swathe of devastation in its wake and causing damage totalling more than 11 billion euros. The peak wind speeds reached an incredible 272 kilometres per hour. The hurricane snapped century-old trees like matchsticks. Years after Lothar, the trail of devastation is still clearly visible in the forests. In Baden-Württemberg alone, 25 million cubic metres of wood were flattened. More than 60,000 hectares were clear-cut. The effects of Lothar were serious. The Lothar memorial near the Moosturm tower commemorates the hurricane in 1999 and was created by Gengenbach artist Norbert Feger.
The memorial is a very popular excursion point with a view over the Black Forest and the Rhine plain.

The old tree won't give up

The Old Tree won't give up - Germany

The Old Tree won't give up

At Gengenbach, near the town of Eisingen, an old tree continues to fight for its survival. Wild thorn bushes, rose hips and other parasitic climbing plants entwine an almost crushed, dead tree. A branch stretches upwards like an arm, as if the tree is saying, "You haven't defeated me yet."
Despite its overgrowth and apparent decline, the old tree shows signs of life. Small green shoots sprout from its bark, a silent testimony to its perseverance and strength. The villagers, who have known the tree for generations, regard it with reverence and a touch of mysticism. They tell stories of its past, how it once provided shelter from storms and served as a meeting place for couples in love.
One day, a young artist from the town decides to immortalise the tree in a painting. He sits down next to the tree with his easel and begins to transfer its shapes and colours onto the canvas. As he paints, he feels a deep connection to the tree, as if it were whispering its life story to him.
The painting is finished, and it shows not only the raw beauty of the tree, but also its unwavering willpower. People come from far and wide to see the work of art and hear the legend of the old tree. And so the tree lives on, not only in the physical world, but also in the hearts and memories of the people who honour its memory.

Durdle Door Arch

Durdle Door Arch - United Kingdom

Durdle Door Arch

The name "Durdle" comes from the Anglo Saxon "thirl", meaning a pierced hole or opening. There are five types of rocks found in these cliffs. Each of them was formed under water and later tilted by the collision of continents. The hard Portland rock was breached by the sea, creating Durdle Door and the stacks that describe the coastline of 10,000 years ago. The softer rocks behind were washed away leaving an eroding line of chalk cliffs. Several holes can be seen in the rock above the arch, representing the fossilised remains of the cycad trees that grew here 147 million years ago.

Picturesque Bruges

Picturesque Bruges - Belgium

Picturesque Bruges

The Flemish, picturesque city of Bruges is world-famous for its medieval architecture. Bruges has a rich history and unique atmosphere. The old town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. Around 120,000 people live in Bruges. Almost 30 times as many tourists visit the historic centre every year. The name Bruges is also a reference to the city's bridges. Bruges is often called the Venice of the North because of its many canals and bridges. The canals have been the connecting arteries of the city for centuries.

Gilded temple figures in the Buddhist temple Prey Nob

Gilded Temple Figures - Cambodia

Gilded Temple Figures in the Buddhist Temple Prey Nob

Even during Buddha's lifetime, the first images and statues depicted his life. For example, following the earnest request of a Sinhalese princess, Buddha sent her his own image painted on cloth. When Buddha travelled to the distant Trayatrimsha Heaven of the 33 Gods to give liberating teachings to his mother who had been reborn there, King Udayana of the then kingdom of Kaushambi made a replica of Buddha out of sandalwood to pay his respects. After the Buddha returned to the monastery, he said to the statue that had approached him to greet him, "Return to your seat. After I have entered Parinirvana, you will serve as a pattern for the four classes of my disciples." Thereupon the statue returned to its seat. This was the first of all Buddha images to be copied in the time that followed. According to this story, Buddha only did not allow the statue to be worshipped during his lifetime at that time, but already gave instructions that it should serve as a pattern for all further Buddha images after his death. On another occasion, Buddha allowed King Bimbisara to have an image made of him. This image was inserted into the so-called Wheel of Life, which expresses the central teachings of Buddha, and given as an extraordinary gift to a neighbouring king. Buddha explicitly confirmed the very beneficial effect of this image.

Gigantic Sculptures near the Georgian Army Road

Gigantic Sculptures near the Georgian Army Road - Georgia

Gigantic Sculptures in Georgian

The huge boulders at the foot of the mountain, near the village of Sno, some of which are several metres high, are sculptures by well-known Georgians. The stone sculptures, which look like scattered boulders on the mountain slopes, were made by the Georgian sculptor Merab Piranishvili. The sculptor has depicted with the stone sculptures, the "faces of the true patriots who saved Georgia". "When you stand between them, it seems as if you hear them talking, and then you think they are talking to each other," says the sculptor. Various people help him get the heavy stone blocks out of the Dariali Gorge, on the border with Russia, and bring them to their destination. Piranishvili thinks that artistically he should never do what others have already done. His purpose in life is to search for something new.

Floating orange tree in the old city of Jaffa

Floating Orange Tree in the Old City of Jaffa - Israel

Floating Orange Tree

A fully grown orange tree hangs from chains; literally floating about a metre above the street. In 1993, Israeli artist Ran Morin installed the tree in the old streets of Jaffa. The tree is fed by a drip system and continues to bear fruit. Jaffa oranges were once Israel's most famous export product. As early as the mid-19th century, they were grown by the Arab Hajaj family in groves around the city of Jaffa and exported in large quantities to Europe via the nearby port, alongside soap, barley, sugar and cotton. The Jaffa orange is a cross between the bitter Baladi orange and Chinese sweet oranges. The brand "Jaffa orange" was invented by German Pietists, Templars from Württemberg. After the founding of the State of Israel 70 years ago, the Jaffa orange increasingly lost its importance. The fact that Israel's agriculture has long specialised in more lucrative products thanks to high-tech probably began with the invention of drip irrigation in the Hazerim kibbutz.

Mousehole, the most beautiful village in England

Mousehole - England

The Most Beautiful Village in England

Mousehole is a small fishing village in Cornwall, situated just over three miles south of Penzance. It was once a busy port, famous for landing huge catches of pilchards. The village retains much of its historic character and is now popular with visitors in the summer. Guidebooks and Dylan Thomas (Welsh poet and writer) refer to the British harbour village as the most beautiful village in England. Mousehole is associated with many names. Some say that Mousehole takes its name from the large cave at its western end, which for years was a hideout for smugglers. Others say the name is derived from the Cornish word Moeshayle, meaning "at the mouth of the River of Young Women". Still others claim that Mousehole used to be called Porth Enys or "Port of the Island". Whatever the case, the town developed around its harbour and its floating fleet. Records dating back to 1266 describe it as an important fishing port. The Keigwin Arms inn is remembered for Dorothy (Dolly) Pentreath. She was the woman considered to be the last fluent speaker of the Cornish language. At the inn she enjoyed her pint and smoked her pipe. She was a colourful character and legendary for swearing in a violent torrent of Cornish words when she got angry. Dolly died in 1777 at the age of 87. She is buried in the church where a monument marks her final resting place.

Buddha on the way to Nirvana

Buddha on the Way to Nirvana - Laos

Buddha on the Way to Nirvana

In Wat That Luang Tai, the reclining, golden Buddha is depicted in the parinibbana asana position. This means that Buddha is at the transition into Nirvana. The reclining Buddha is located just a few steps from the Lao national symbol and most important religious monument, the great stupa Pha That Luang, in Vientiane. Legend has it that Buddha himself visited this site in his time and predicted the construction of a reliquary. According to tradition, the Indian king Ashoka had a stele erected at this site as early as 300 years before Christ, under which Buddha's hair or bones are said to lie. Other legends tell of a sanctuary of the Mon or of the residence of two serpent beings of the Naga, who are said to have been located here. In any case, it is certain that King Setthathirath had the That built when he moved his capital from the royal city of Luang Prabang to Vientiane. In 1566, the Pha That Luang stupa was consecrated by the king.

The Charles Bridge in Prague

The Charles Bridge in Prague - Czech Republic

The Charles Bridge in Prague

The 500-metre-long Charles Bridge in Prague connects the Malá Strana and Staré Mesto districts; the Old Town and the Lesser Town over 16 arches. The Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV, who was born in Prague on 14 May 1316, commissioned the construction of the bridge in 1357. The Charles Bridge over the Vltava is one of the oldest and longest Gothic stone bridges in Europe. Bounded by two towers, it is open only to pedestrians and is very busy almost around the clock. A must for every visitor to Prague, if only because the view over the river and of the castle from here is simply great. The bridge has connected Prague's Old Town with the Lesser Town for 650 years. An average of 30,000 pedestrians stroll across the bridge every day. Numerous statues of saints line both sides of the bridge, such as St. Christopher, St. Joseph or St. John the Baptist. The most famous saintly figure, however, is that of St. Jan Nepomuk, who was thrown into the Vltava River at this spot, as the story goes. The bridge is something of an open-air museum, even though numerous figures can no longer be seen as originals.

The Colosseum in the heart of Rome

The Colosseum in the Heart of Rome - Italy

The Colosseum in the Heart of Rome

The Colosseum of Rome, which remains only in ruins, still represents the largest amphitheatre ever built in history, with an elliptical structure 188 metres long, 156 metres wide and 57 metres high. Built of brick and faced with travertine stone, it was divided into five levels and could seat more than 50,000 people. The areas were divided according to social classes. The closer one sat to the arena, the higher the rank to which one belonged. Construction of the amphitheatre began around 70 AD under Emperor Vespasian. It was financed, among other things, by the gold treasure looted from the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Colosseum was built in a valley. An existing lake belonging to Nero's Domus Aurea between the Palatine, Esquiline and Caelius hills was drained for this purpose. Emperor Titus inaugurated the Colosseum in 80, but 2 years later the work was only completed with the construction of the upper floors.

Pomegranate is said to be a super fruit

Pomegranate is said to be a Super Fruit - Thailand

Pomegranate is said to be a Super Fruit

Pomegranate seeds taste juicy, crunchy and sweet and sour. Many people see the pomegranate as a super fruit. The pomegranate (Punica granatum) belongs to the loosestrife family. The word "pomegranate" is derived from the Latin granum, which translated means seed or grain and goes back to the countless seeds in the pomegranate. The pomegranate is said to have numerous positive effects on health. It is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and a positive effect on cardiovascular diseases, to protect blood vessels and to help with menopausal symptoms. However, this has not been scientifically proven. Nevertheless: Pomegranates contain numerous vitamins and minerals as well as secondary plant compounds, especially polyphenols, which are said to have an antioxidant effect. Pomegranate seeds and pomegranate juice are therefore particularly popular. The ingredients of the pomegranate include the minerals potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus as well as vitamins C and B and folic acid. Compared to the amount in oranges (about 70 milligrams), the pomegranate offers about 7 milligrams less vitamin C per 100 grams. Another thing to mention is the high content of so-called polyphenols. Polyphenols belong to the secondary plant pigments. Particularly intensely coloured fruits such as blueberries or the pomegranate indicate a higher content of these special substances, which have an antioxidant effect. Other antioxidant components are ellagic acid and punicalagin/punicalagenes.

View from the Feldberg in Winter

View from the Feldberg in Winter - Germany

View from the Feldberg in Winter

In winter, the Feldberg (1,493 m) is known as an excellent winter sports area. The Feldberg is the highest mountain in the Black Forest and the centre of the winter sports region Hochschwarzwald. The altitude of 950 - 1,450 metres and the snow on approx. 5 km of piste bring a wonderful winter feeling. Skiing is usually possible on more than 100 days. But snow enthusiasts will also find wonderful conditions for cross-country skiing (700 km of cross-country trails stretch across the Upper Black Forest), winter hiking, tobogganing, snow kiting and snowboarding. The amount of snowfall has probably changed in recent years due to the climatic conditions. Compared to the 1960s, the amount of snowfall on the Feldberg has dropped significantly from more than 6.06 metres per winter to 2.92 metres in recent years. A decrease of more than half. In the same period, the number of days the Feldberg was covered in snow fell from 189 to 161. Regardless of this, the Feldberg holds the snow record in the Black Forest. Despite less snow overall, the ski season in the winter sports centres of the Black Forest has not diminished. On the contrary. This is mainly due to the support of modern snow-making facilities.

Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare - Ireland

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare

The Cliffs of Moher are one of Ireland's most famous sights. The Cliffs, not far from Knockevin in County Clare, are completely vertical and the cliff edge is abrupt. On a clear day the view is stunning, with the Aran Islands engraved in the waters of Galway Bay. From the cliff edge you can hear the roar far below as the waves crash and gnaw at the soft shale and sandstone. Legend has it that the cliffs are home to otherworldly beings and mystical creatures. A witch named Mal is said to have fallen in love with Cú Chulainn, the brave warrior of the Knights of the Red Branch. Cú Chulainn, however, did not return her feelings. Undeterred, Mal pursued him relentlessly throughout Ireland. Eventually, the chase led them to the southern region of the Cliffs of Moher, near the mouth of the Shannon River, where Cú Chulainn jumped onto an island known as Diarmuid and Grainne's Rock. In another legend of the Mermaid of Moher, a local fisherman came across the presence of a mermaid while casting his line near the Cliffs of Moher. Intrigued, he struck up a conversation with the mystical creature. While they were talking, the fisherman noticed a magical cloak resting near a rock. This cloak was essential for the mermaid's return to the sea, as she had to wear it. However, his desire for her magic cloak quickly consumed him. The man seized the opportunity, snatched the cloak and fled hastily to his house, carefully hiding the precious object. - The cliffs are full of stories about ancient warriors, witches and giants.

Mahachai Market

Mahachai Market by the Railway - Thailand

Mahachai Market by the Railway

The train passes through the middle of the vegetable market in Mahachai. One gets the impression that the train will carry the vegetables on display. That's how close the tracks are to the stalls. The Mae Klong Market has been held at this exact spot for over 100 years, even before a railway line was laid through here. When the time came, the Thai traders were faced with the decision to move or stay? The traders decided to stay, and reached a rather unofficial agreement with the railway company. They "share" the tracks. It is rumoured that one reason for the traders to continue selling along the tracks is that they do not have to pay stall fees here. The Thais love their Railway Market and by now the probably most dangerous market in the world is also popular among tourists. The market itself is everywhere. Between narrow walls of houses, the railway tracks wind through the middle of the bustle. Stalls pile up guavas, lychees, juicy mangoes and fresh prawns under sun-protecting awnings. Even space for tiny cookshops can be found at every corner. You might think it's a "normal" Thai market until you hear the whistle of the approaching train. Then a hustle and bustle takes over the traders and within a few seconds everything is cleared away where fresh goods were just offered. The awnings are folded up and then the train arrives. With a height of almost four metres, it is a little frightening when it passes by just a few centimetres away. The train moves through the market at walking pace.

Traffic jam at Cap Formentor, Majorca

Traffic Jam at Cap Formentor - Spain

Traffic Jam at Cap Formentor

Cap Formentor is a popular destination for tourists to Majorca. Tourists park their rental car near the lighthouse to enjoy the view of the sea.

Adventure Park, Pilatus Rope Park

Pilatus Rope Park - Switzerland

Adventure Park, Pilatus Rope Park

A man balances on a rope at a dizzy height. The mountains of central Switzerland can be seen in the background. At an altitude of more than 2,000 metres, you can experience various adventures in the Pilatus Rope Park.
The Pilatus Rope Park is the largest adventure park in Central Switzerland. 

Gadi Sagar Temple, Rajasthan

Gadi Sagar Temple - India

Gadi Sagar Temple, Rajasthan

The two temples stand in the water of Gadisar Lake in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Depending on the water level, the visible temple stairs can be accessed dry-footed from the mainland. The pigeons love the roofs of the temples. They appear on the roofs as an integral part of the buildings. Gadi Sagar Lake, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Jaisalmer, was originally a man-made reservoir that served as a source of water for the people of Jaisalmer. The reservoir was created in 1367 by the city's first ruler, Maharawal Jaisal, and remodelled by Maharawal Garsi Singh. The banks of the lake consist of shrines, temples, ghats and chattris. The lake to the south of the city has an entrance arch of yellow sandstone, Telia-Pol, created by Telia, a royal courtesan. One can take a boat ride here or simply go for a walk. The Jaisalmer fort in the background is a magnificent sight. This lake is mostly visited during the annual celebrations of the Gangaur festival.


Hovercraft - England


The hovercraft is a unique vehicle that can be used to travel over water, flat land and marshland, hovering above the ground on an air cushion. The official term for travelling on a hovercraft over water is "flying" and not "sailing". The hovercraft was invented in 1955 by Sir Christopher Cockerell. In 1956, he was granted a patent for the boat, which he called the hovercraft. The Saunders-Roe company built the first SR-N1 hovercraft in 1959 in East Cowes, Isle of Wight. In the same year, the hovercraft crossed the English Channel from Dover (England) to Calais (France). This great tradition has been continued for many years by Hovertravel, the oldest hovercraft operator in the world, which celebrated its 50th anniversary as operator of the Isle of Wight Hovercraft Service in 2015.
Over the years, the hovercraft has been built by changing companies with varying degrees of commercial success, such as Saunders-Roe, The British Hovercraft Corporation, Westland Aircraft, Griffon Hoverwork's, ... 

Hadrians Wall

Hadrian’s Wall - United Kingdom

Hadrian’s Wall

The most important structure from Roman times in Great Britain is without doubt Hadrian's Wall. Despite the many centuries that the wall has existed, it is one of the best-preserved Roman border fortifications. It was built in the years 122-130 AD by Emperor Hadrian, who not only gave it its name, but also fulfilled an important task for what is now the English part of the island by building the rampart. It served as the northern defence line of the then Roman Empire against the Celtic Picts. Emperor Hadrian was of the opinion that if the Scots could not be conquered, they should at least be kept at bay. Because these "savages" in the north were difficult to bring under control. The region could not be occupied. The harsh climate and the lack of supply routes thwarted the proud Romans. And so the cheaper option was chosen. The rampart was built, sealing off the northern part of the island. Hadrian's Wall is around 120 kilometres long. It runs from east to west between Walls-end-on-Tyne and Bowness-on-Solway. While the eastern part of the wall was built of stone, it was decided to use peat for the western part. These different building materials resulted in different heights of Hadrian's Wall. Hadrian's Wall still exists in large parts and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. Hikers can discover the entire wall on the Hadrian's Wall Path National Trail. 

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